A Look Under the Hood: 3 Types of Code Review Explained

# Introduction

Code evaluate is the procedure of manually checking supply code for mistakes which can cause software bugs, in addition to improving the general fine of software. It is an essential software satisfactory assurance method that allows become aware of defects and safety vulnerabilities early within the development method. Code opinions allow builders to percentage their know-how, analyze from each different, and dispose of bugs before freeing software program.

There are several special styles of code assessment that variety from informal to quite dependent. Some code evaluations involve individual builders reviewing their very own code, while others require a group of builders to carry out exhaustive critiques of code proposed for release. The major styles of code review include:

  • Informal code evaluation: a casual assessment of code by way of friends. Often used for checking incremental changes.

  • Formal inspection: an in depth and systematic exam of code by way of multiple reviewers. Typically follows a described manner.

  • Tool-assisted code evaluation: Automated tools are used to check for not unusual bugs and maintainability problems. Humans nevertheless assessment the code.

  • Post-dedicate code overview: overview of code after it has been dedicated to a shared repository. Often asynchronous.

Later sections will explore the specific types of code review in more intensity, provide recommendations for powerful opinions, and description the many advantages of incorporating code evaluate practices. But first, it allows to understand why code evaluate is so critical for generating notable software.

## Informal Code Review

Informal code reviews are ad-hoc opinions that aren't as structured as formal code opinions. They are typically achieved quick with the aid of one or developers. Here are a few not unusual forms of informal code evaluations:

### Pair Programming

Pair programming involves two developers sitting together and programming in tandem on one computer. As they code, they continuously discuss the design and logic, reviewing the code as they type it. The partner provides instant feedback, reviews the code, and shares their thoughts as it is written.

### Over-the-Shoulder

Over-the-shoulder code reviews involve one developer walking to a coworker's desk and looking over their shoulder as they explain the code they have written. The reviewer provides live feedback and commentary as they follow along. This facilitates quick collaboration to identify defects and improvements.

### Email Pass-Around

For email pass-around reviews, the developer emails the code to teammates, asking for feedback. The teammates review the code on their own time and send back comments over email. This allows for flexibility but can also lead to lengthy turnaround times.

Informal reviews are a lightweight way to get quick feedback on code changes. They work well for rapid iterations but lack the thoroughness of formal inspections. Informal reviews are often used for minor changes, while bigger changes go through a formal code review process.

## Formal Inspection

Formal inspection is a very structured code review process. The formal inspection has a moderator, or facilitator, who leads the meeting. The inspection is conducted according to a defined process that involves several roles and steps. Participants follow a checklist to identify defects in the code.

The roles in a formal inspection may include:

Moderator: Leads the inspection, ensures the process is followed, and manages the discussion.

Author: The person who wrote the code under review. They explain the code but do not actively participate in finding defects.

Reviewers: examine the code for defects. Reviewers prepare for the inspection meeting by going through the code and identifying issues ahead of time.

Scribe: document the defects that are found in a formal log.

The steps in a formal inspection meeting often include:

1. Planning: The moderator works with the author to schedule the meeting and identify the participants. Materials like the code and checklist are distributed ahead of time.

2. Overview: The author provides an overview of the code changes and context. Reviewers ask clarifying questions.

3. Preparation: Reviewers have already gone through the code before the meeting. They identify issues individually and note them.

4. Inspection: Led by the moderator, reviewers go through the code systematically based on the checklist. Defects are discussed and logged by the scribe.

5. Rework: The author fixes the identified defects. The fixes may be verified in a follow-up meeting.

6. Reporting: Metrics from the inspection are documented, like the number and types of defects found.

The main focus of an inspection is on finding as many defects as possible to improve software quality. Inspections can potentially find 60–90% of defects in the code. Formal inspections are most useful for mission-critical code where reliability is paramount. The drawback is that they require significant overhead to plan and conduct.

## Tool-Assisted Code Review

Tool-assisted code reviews make the review process more efficient by providing built-in tools for commenting, tracking issues, and generating metrics. Popular tools include:

**Crucible** Allows reviewers to comment directly in the code. Provides metrics like code coverage and issue density. Integrates with JIRA and Jenkins.

**Review Board**: Provides a web-based platform for commenting with syntax highlighting and file diffs. Integrates with repository hosting services.

**GitHub**: The pull request workflow enables inline code comments. It is useful for asynchronous reviews.

**GitLab** Similar to GitHub, you can add comments to specific lines of a merge request. Mentions allow you to ask for feedback from specific team members.

**Bitbucket** Code reviews are built into Bitbucket with pull requests. Reviewers can leave comments and approve or reject changes.

The main benefits of using dedicated code review tools include:

  • easier to add comments and discuss changes in the code.
  • ability to track issues, mark them resolved, and generate reports.
  • Integrations with repositories, project management tools, and continuous integration.
  • metrics on code coverage, technical debt, issues closed over time, and cycle time.
  • central platform for asynchronous reviews with notifications.

By using automated tools, teams can conduct more thorough and efficient code reviews. The tools make it easier to capture feedback, track progress, and analyze the review process.

## Post-Commit Code Review

Post-devote code reviews manifest after code has been dedicated to a shared repository. Rather than reviewing code before it's merged, the assessment occurs retroactively on code it really is already been merged into the primary codebase. One of the maximum popular ways submit-commit opinions are carried out is thru pull requests on GitHub. When a developer completes a characteristic or bug restore, they push the code to a separate department and open a pull request. Other developers at the group can then evaluate the modifications that have been made and leave remarks. The key advantage of put up-devote code reviews is flexibility. Reviews appear asynchronously after the fact, in order that they do not hold up improvement momentum. The developer can merge their adjustments when ready, as opposed to ready on other team individuals for approval. Post-dedicate code opinions have a tendency to be greater light-weight and focus on better-degree changes. Since the code is already merged, it's typically no longer possible to request big architectural changes at this stage. The dialogue centers extra on stylistic problems, bugs that want solving, and future improvements. Overall, post-devote code evaluations provide groups more flexibility at the price of making sure first-rate earlier than code reaches manufacturing. They paintings properly for teams that include non-stop delivery and might roll returned changes if any serious troubles are discovered after merging.

## Synchronous Code Review

Synchronous code review, also known as live code review, refers to reviewing code in real-time with other team members. This is typically done using screen-sharing software like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet to allow all participants to view the code at the same time.

The main advantage of synchronous code review is that it enables live discussion about the code. Reviewers can provide feedback, ask clarifying questions, and point out issues while everyone is looking at the code. This makes it easy to have an interactive conversation to reach a consensus on any changes that should be made.

Having multiple reviewers participate together also reduces repetition, as issues only need to be raised once. The author can explain their reasoning behind certain decisions and get context from reviewers on why they may suggest alternate approaches. Misunderstandings can be resolved quickly through real-time dialogue.

Overall, the synchronized nature of this approach allows for efficient and thorough analysis of code changes. Concerns surface early before the code gets merged, ensuring higher quality. The main drawback is that scheduling a time when all reviewers are available can be challenging, especially across time zones.

## Asynchronous Code Review

Asynchronous code assessment lets in builders to study code on their very own time without having to coordinate schedules. With asynchronous opinions, the writer submits code for review, and every reviewer can examine it and offer remarks whenever it's convenient for them. The predominant benefit of asynchronous code reviews is that they offer extra flexibility and permit for the geographic distribution of groups. Reviewers can be positioned anywhere and spread throughout exclusive time zones. They do not need to block off a specific time for a synchronous assembly or phone call. Instead, developers can evaluate code as it suits into their time table. Asynchronous evaluations also allow reviewers to take as tons time as they want to thoroughly evaluate code and offer considerate remarks. There is no pressure to rush through a review in a quick meeting. Reviewers can simply dive deep into the code and analyze it. Some even quickly test out the code being reviewed as a way to run and check it in their nearby environments at their very own tempo. With asynchronous critiques, communication between creator and reviewer happens through email threads, evaluate tools like GitHub's pull requests, or code review structures like Crucible and Upsource. The back-and-forth discussion unfolds over an extended time period as every reviewer contributes feedback. The capability downsides of asynchronous code evaluation include a loss of verbal communication and delays in waiting for comments. Without real-time dialogue, miscommunications can appear extra without difficulty via written comments. And if reviewers take too long to respond, it can slow down improvement speed and launch cycles. But ordinary, the flexibility provided by way of asynchronous assessment makes it an amazing match for many teams, particularly distributed ones.

## Guidelines for Effective Code Reviews

Conducting effective code reviews requires some thought and planning. Here are some tips for ensuring your code reviews are as constructive as possible:

**Keep changes small**. Don't review hundreds or thousands of lines of code at once. It's better to break it down into smaller, more manageable pull requests. This makes it easier for reviewers to thoroughly understand the changes.

**Include the right reviewers**. Don't just add anyone and everyone as a reviewer. Identify those who are familiar with the codebase or component to provide informed feedback. Their expertise will help spot bugs or inconsistencies.

Promote open communication. Reviewers should ask clarifying questions, and authors should respond positively. The goal is to improve the quality of the code, not prove who is right. Keep feedback constructive and professional.

Establish guidelines. Developing standard conventions or style guides upfront prevents endless debates during reviews. Define objective criteria that everyone agrees to follow.

Use review tools. Tools like checklists and comments make it easier to structure feedback. Automated testing integrates checks for bugs, security issues, and code quality into the process.

Manage follow-up. Ensure the required changes are made after the review, either by the original author or someone else. Retain a record of what was fixed for future reference.

Following best practices for collaborative yet critical code reviews will lead to cleaner, more reliable software.

## Benefits of Code Review

Code reviews provide many important benefits for teams and code quality:

**Knowledge Sharing**

Code reviews allow team members to share their knowledge and experience. Reviewers can share techniques for improving code quality and performance. Authors can explain their thought processes and decisions to reviewers. This exchange helps increase everyone's skills. Reviews spread institutional knowledge across the team.

**Fewer Bugs**

Multiple reviewers are likely to catch more defects than a single author. Reviews catch bugs early before they impact customers. Having code pass through code review results in higher-quality software with fewer bugs. Industry studies have found code review can reduce defects by 15–25% over code that is not reviewed.

**Improved Quality**

In addition to finding bugs, reviewers also identify opportunities to improve code quality. They may suggest better naming, simpler logic, or more error handling. Reviews optimize code for readability, maintainability, and performance. The end result is higher-quality code that better encapsulates the app's needs.

## Conclusion

Code review is an invaluable process that helps improve software quality and correctness. As discussed, there are several types of code review that teams can utilize:

Informal code reviews involve quick feedback from teammates, often in person. They help share knowledge and speed up development.

Formal inspections follow a more rigid process with multiple reviewers and a formal report. These are more thorough but slower.

Tool-assisted reviews integrate code review into the development workflow. They provide automation to make reviewing easier.

Post-commit reviews happen after the code is merged. This allows you to move faster but can cause issues.

Synchronous reviews involve real-time discussion and feedback. Asynchronous reviews allow you to review on your own time.

The key takeaway is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Teams should carefully consider which code review types or hybrid approaches make the most sense for their needs. The most important factor is having a lightweight but consistent code review process. This helps instill quality, share knowledge, and prevent defects. Adapting the specifics of the process ensures it provides maximum benefit without slowing down development.

Code review is a best practice that all teams should utilize in some form to reap the benefits of more maintainable, robust code. With an approach tailored to team needs, it becomes an indispensable part of the development cycle.